CCTV Camera Cable

CCTV Camera Cable

CCTV Camera Cable

Amazing Security is the trusted supplier of Video and Audio Wires. 3+1 and 4+1 CCTV Camera Cable is the composite structure of video and audio wires intended to install the cameras with audio system from one point to equipments system. Our Video and Audio Wires are capable of carrying video signal (75 Ohms Coax) with audio and 12 Volts power wire.

SI.NoNo. of CoreNo. of Strands SWGCond. Size (in mm)Overall dia. (in mm)Cross sec. area (in mm2)Max. Conductor Resistance (ohm/km) at 20°C
014+17/360.1936.20 0.2048127
032+1 7/36 0.1935.800.2048 127
046+114/380.1527.000.2542 81
054+1 14/38 0.1526.400.254281
063+1 14/38 0.1526.20 0.2542 81
072+1 14/380.1526.000.254281
086+114/400.122 7.00 0.1635108
094+114/40 0.1226.400.1635108
103+114/400.1226.20 0.1635108
112+114/400.1226.00 0.1635108
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